What’s a Call Of Duty Hack?
Hacks & Cheats essentially are software programs you can download and install, to give yourself a big advantage over other players. While this is often considered as “unfair” it’s a big part of games by now. Cheaters and it’s providers can’t be stopped in the long run as the past shows. More and more players looking for Call Of Duty Hacks to keep up with the rest.
There is big range of Call Of Duty Hacks and Cheats with different features such as Aim Assist, Aimbot, Wallhack, Radar, No Recoil and Texture Hacks.
All these Cheats and its features give the user a big advantage over enemy players due to not being part of the natural game. Hundreds thousands of users use Cheats in Call Of Duty on a daily basis. And the numbers are growing.

Call Of Duty Hack Features
Call Of Duty Aimbots
As explained before Call Of Duty Cheats come with all kind of different features to improve your gameplay. One of the most known features is a so called “Aimbot”. The Hack is taking over your aim if needed, to land perfectly precise shots on your target. No human player can ever match the precision and speed of an Aimbot.
Call Of Duty Wallhack / ESP
Another mostly well known feature is the “Wallhack”, also known as “ESP”. Did you ever ask yourself “How did that enemy know I was there?”. The answer is often simple: He was able to see you through walls. A Wallhack shows all enemy player models through out the whole map, even if they are hidden by obstacles. Knowing where your enemies hide and never running into any surprise is one of the biggest advantages a Call Of Duty cheat can offer.
Call Of Duty Minimap Radar
Another common feature is a Call Of Duty Radar cheat. As you might have guessed, this feature reveals all enemy players on your minimap at all times. The Cheat doesn’t care about what perks they run or if no UAV is up. All enemies show up as red dots so that the Cheat user is always aware of his surroundings.
Call Of Duty No Recoil & More
Beside the most common features mentioned above some Call Of Duty Hacks also offer additional gimmicks such as “No Recoil” for your weapons. The Cheat removes any of the guns recoil, resulting in your weapon being a laser beam on all ranges. Sounds pretty fun, doesn’t it?

See the Azura Call Of Duty Wallhack/ESP above 🡅
Benefits and Risks of Cheating in Games like Call Of Duty
The Benefits
As most of the benefits are quite self explanatory we will still give you a brief overview of what you can expect, when using Call Of Duty Hacks like ours.
When using Hacks in Call Of Duty you will have the supremacy in every match you play due to the game breaking Cheat features you can use. Being aware of where every enemy player hides is almost a guarantee to win. You can not only outsmart people easily but you also play with less stress and pressure, making the whole game a new experience. Use an Aimbot ontop of that and you will likely not loose any firefight anymore even when facing sweaty pro players.
And, of course, when you meet other cheaters in your match, as you very likely have experienced already, you are not at a disadvantage anymore but on their level. Sounds like a good deal, doesn’t it?
The Risks
Cheats/Hacks are forbidden by the game developers so you can get punished if caught. Punishments vary, depending on what Cheat you used. This ranges from temporary putting you in lobbies with other suspected cheaters to banning your game account.
Hence it’s more than important to use a Call Of Duty Hack provider you can trust. Free Cheats are almost a guarantee to either get a virus or a straight ban since there’s no professional developers behind the Cheat software. You should carefully pick the Hack provider you want to use in order to not risk your game account.
If you care about your account security then Azura is one of the few Call Of Duty Cheat providers you can go with. We not only share multiple years of experience within our Cheat developer team but also value your game accounts the same way we value ours. We are gamers ourselves and therefore have the Hacks security one of our main priorities.
Azura COD Hacks have never been detected since release in 2020
See our Azura Call Of Duty Hacks in action 🡅
Difference between Legit Hacking and Rage Hacking
Legit Cheating/Hacking
You may have read about “legit hacking” and “rage hacking” and wondered what the difference is. Both are different play styles when cheating and offer different experiences for the Cheat user.
As “Legit Cheater” you’ll play with the Call Of Duty Cheat but hide it from other players and spectators. Which Cheat features you use and how is up to each individual player. You can use a Wallhack for example but still pretend that you don’t see every enemy on the map and just use it to look like the next upcoming pro player. Legit cheating is the most common play style among Call Of Duty Hackers and the best way to keep your account safe from being reported by other gamers.
Ever had a feeling that one of your favorite streamers is a little TOO GOOD? Well, chances are high that they are using a Call Of Duty Hack, hiding it on their stream and pretend that they are just god tier. But you know better now. Yes Symfuhny, we looking at you 😉
Rage Cheating/Hacking
As the word “Rage” implies this play style is a little more obvious. Rage Hackers don’t care too much about their reputation and account and therefore go all in when it comes to using Call Of Duty Cheats.
You might have seen a Rage Hacker in Call Of Duty already, a player who flicks all over the map headshotting people miles away and giving no f*cks. Destroying the whole server due to excessive use of Cheat features can be extremely fun. You want to hunt down a streamer and show him he’s at the lower part of the foodchain now? No problem.
Rage Hacking can be mad fun even if it’s more risky due to all the in-game hacking reports you may receive from all the players you owned. If you don’t care about your account security that much and just want to end every players virtual life within seconds, then you might be into Rage Hacking. What play style you choose is totally up to you.

What people are saying about Azura and our Cheats

Overall Amazing
Beyond Expectations
“I was almost about to give up on Warzone due to the hackers. Now I joined them and won’t leave.”
Excellent Service
“I first was scared about the setup but installing/using Azura is easy. Me and my team dominate now!”
“From the Cheats security over to its features this hack is just amazing. Azura is what you need.”